Wednesday, October 31

Got It Settled

Right, fellas! So this is it! In less than three hours, this year's writing frenzy begins.
Goal is, to write a novel of 50,000 words in 30 days. And I'm not alone. Nanowrimo estimates this year's number of participants to be about 90,000 worldwide. Pretty cool, huh? Well, I figured it was. This I'm doing to heave my writer's block when it comes to prose and longer stories. Hopefully, within a month, I'll have written my first pure-form novel, and if I don't make it, well, then I'm hell of a lot closer to doing so, then I am right now.
I got the opening line buzzing in my head, just waiting for the clock to tick over to midnight so that I can print it out. See, rules are, no pre-writing. So in my head, I got my plot, got my main character, got my beginning and got my ending. I even know exactly how to sound the very last two lines. And beyond that - I even know what's gonna happen in the sequel!
All of a sudden, I feel it's fun to make things up again, to uncover stories, to create. I'm looking forward to this writing event like none other. It's gonna be very, very tricky to manage on time, no doubt, but deadlines 'ave always spurred me. I think it's gonna be great. Somehow, I think this story is better than any I've ever thought about before. It's gonna rock, ha, ha.
Now I'd like to ask you folks to do me a favour. Just in case you had the energy to finish reading this post. If within the month, I should ever consider quitting this thing, or feel that there's no time, or whatever, stop me. I don't wanna bail out the easy way. Not this time.
See you later, folks! And if you don't see too much of me during November, you'll know why.


  1. cool, It sounds like your already on the right track, but I'll help if u need it later as you helped me

  2. terrific, i'm gonna use that advise =)

  3. hey there, good luck on this thing. it sounds too cool :D.

    whe the time comes...
    Whatever it is,
    Don't give up,
    You have nothing to lose.
    Give up,
    and you've already lost something.
    :D hurry hurry hurry~ (whistle blows)

  4. LOL xD

    *falls off chair*

    Spot-on, ciarraxx! That's exactly the kind of pep talk I need :D :D :D

    Guess what people, today's quote of 1,666 words has been fulfilled =) so I guess i got a good start here! haha :) i'll make sure to use your peoples advise when it gets rougher in say, like a week or so. Haha! :D

  5. alrightie then, I'll be as helpful as I possibly can

  6. I'm confident that you will, raves. =)


For Dust And Memories