Thursday, March 20

Gotta Rush, I Got A Therapy Appointment

I'm standing there in the shower, just letting all that water pour down on me, pour all the bad stuff out, and it's like I'm being cleansed. Mentally, I mean. It's like therapy, surrounding yourself with that warm rainlike cascade of water. And for a moment it feels as though you're a blank sheet. You got it all sorted out, got it all figured out.
And you're filled up with energy.
I don't know why, but this is the case for me. Standing in the shower has some kind of soothing and renewing effect on me. Maybe it's got somethin' to do with the old days, when I lived at home, you know, the only place where you could really be left alone was in the shower. Sounds a bit off when I'm saying it, but think about it. Not even your own room, if you happen to have one, can give you the same feeling of calm, the same feeling of safety. And I'm not saying you should shower all the time cause it always gives you a boost. I'm just pointin' out that sometimes when you're standing there, you can take a deep breath, and hide away from the rest of the world for a little while. Hide away from those gazing eyes and interrogating looks... the accusations, never uttered, but constantly present.
And sometimes you burst. Like me. Like the other day when I was in the shower, I could just let all my feelings out, cause I knew I was all alone. And isn't that clever? No one will ever catch you crying in the shower, cause the tears blend in too nicely with the rest of the water...
Yeah. Well, today was a bit different. But it don't change much. No tears don't mean no feelings. And just when you think you're all drained of them, they strike again...


  1. ah the shower, the greatest achievement of personal affairs. we stand there as the water massages our backs and we think, we feel and we understand. I have had my share of therapy in such a safe haven and i love it, I think of everything in the shower. What faces me, what consumes me, what pisses me off and what may happen. A therapist that never speaks but always soothes.


For Dust And Memories