Monday, December 14

Another Shot

Before getting to the business of finishing off Alev's gift, thought I'd write some stuff off of me.
I didn't get the internship spot, but the studio manager was very kind and wished me luck with upcoming applications. It dragged me down a bit, but I was cheered up when Dragon called me and let me know she'd talked to that person she knew who had contacts with a publisher. They'd take a look at the site (which for you who don't know is here: and get in touch with me during the week. We'll see what they say, before they do I won't elaborate further on it.
Other than that Zelda and Bagge are adjusting well. Bagge has found his favorite spot to sleep, inside a cardboard box that wasn't even supposed to be standing here, but I guess I'll leave it be just a little while more just for his sake... Zelda on the other hand went for the comfy armchair. I'm not a bit surprised. It makes things a tad more meaningful to have some little beings to care for when I get home, and it's not just my lonely apartment meeting my eyes.
After finishing this gift I'll sit down and type up some novelling. 80K is not impossible, despite the almost entire week that I spent not writing. No problems, people. Who has stuff to do during Christmas anyway?
POET in the JAR

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For Dust And Memories