I'm almost 24 hours late, but as I promised, here I am, checking in my 40K! Well, technically, I suppose I'm even above that, got 41,332 words at the moment, but 40K makes up a nice check point, don't you think? Next magic number is 45K, think I've mentioned it before, but it don't hurt having it here again.
After like, 60 minutes of staring at a sentence, wondering where the hell one of my main characters were supposed to hide from her pursuers, I asked around at the Nanowrimo Forums, and got a good suggestion that finally got me moving again. After that, I'm doing fairly okay, although I have to admit I'm starting to feel a bit like I felt in the beginning - that I have absolutely no idea where my plot is taking me. Well, I know how it's all going to end, I just don't know exactly what's going to fill it out in between, but I guess I'll figure that out as I go... haha!
Right, if I'm gonna stay on schedule, maybe even exceed it a bit (I know for a fact that I won't have any time to write on the final writing day - Friday - since Nisse is coming up to visit), I better go take that twenty minute break now, before I head back to the pages of my book where I'll try to vanish for another 1,000 words.
Actually, I'm going to head out into the kitchen and check on the pannacotta. Man, that's gonna be yummy!
The Sky's The Limit, Says The Poet In The Jar.
Sunday, November 25
Saturday, November 24
Of Course I Drink, I'm A Writer
Strange how easy the words are starting to come to me. I hardly look at them, I just catch them, and write them down. Easy! In the beginning, 1,667 words a day were almost literally HELL to be able to scramble up, but once I've gotten going, once I've stopped staring dumbly at a word hoping it will just transform itself to something better, now that's when I've really gotten the story going. Right now I'm doing a very interesting sort of, jumping back and forth in time, with flashbacks on what's going on in the real time of the events, and stuff. Yeah, sure I know a lot of it I'm gonna have to replace once it's done. But what the heck! That's the editing part, that's the last part!
What I'm doing now, see, that's the fun part, there's a difference there.
I think what made it for me was getting past that halfway point. Hit 25K, and it's all downhill from here, from here we can just soar, and fly ahead. Next important boundary is 40K. When I'm there, it'll be like running down towards that finishing line, almost hearing everyone stomp and cheer for you!
What does it matter that I'm a little little bit behind schedule?
Not much, not now that I've figured out the perfect strategy for myself!
I do it like this. Sit down, make myself comfortable. Computer switched on, the right document open. Chat programs and Internet closed down, dictionary, water and a handy piece of candy next to me, for when I'm struck by sugar loss (yes, I admit it, I have an addiction to sweets). Check the clock, add an hour to what it shows, and say to myself: "When that clock hits that time, I have to have written 1,000 words." And then I do! It's amazing that it actually works to do word wars with yourself. Anyway! When I reach that number, may it be on time, may it be before time's up, I stop writing, right away, and have a twenty minute break, doing something completely else.
Eating, micro-sleeping, feeding the banana flies, that sort of stuff.
And when I get back, I do it again. Strange, but I never fail to miss the deadline, even if I think what I write really, really sucks, and that delete button is starting to look tempting...
Awesome! This way I'll hit 40K by midnight, I'll drop by to tell you the minute that I do so (and if I do so...).
Well, actually, by the time I finish this post, I'll have been gone from the writing for hours (for a good cause, mind you, my kitchen is now spotlessly clean), so I better wrap it up.
There're two things I wanna say:
1. Awesome to see you on Nanowrimo, Ryan! I think we'll have a blast when we both join next year. All blood, sweat and tears, and probably a hint of laughter, too. Meanwhile, you'll do a great job supporting everyone. Thumbs up for you!
2. Saw 1408 at the cinema yesterday, and John Cusack did such a nice line that's clinging to my head. View the title of this post, and wow, there it is. Thought it'd fit beautifully with all this writing frenzy stuff that's been going to my head lately. Enjoy!
Bye for this time, folks, hopefully see you at 40K tonight!
What I'm doing now, see, that's the fun part, there's a difference there.
I think what made it for me was getting past that halfway point. Hit 25K, and it's all downhill from here, from here we can just soar, and fly ahead. Next important boundary is 40K. When I'm there, it'll be like running down towards that finishing line, almost hearing everyone stomp and cheer for you!
What does it matter that I'm a little little bit behind schedule?
Not much, not now that I've figured out the perfect strategy for myself!
I do it like this. Sit down, make myself comfortable. Computer switched on, the right document open. Chat programs and Internet closed down, dictionary, water and a handy piece of candy next to me, for when I'm struck by sugar loss (yes, I admit it, I have an addiction to sweets). Check the clock, add an hour to what it shows, and say to myself: "When that clock hits that time, I have to have written 1,000 words." And then I do! It's amazing that it actually works to do word wars with yourself. Anyway! When I reach that number, may it be on time, may it be before time's up, I stop writing, right away, and have a twenty minute break, doing something completely else.
Eating, micro-sleeping, feeding the banana flies, that sort of stuff.
And when I get back, I do it again. Strange, but I never fail to miss the deadline, even if I think what I write really, really sucks, and that delete button is starting to look tempting...
Awesome! This way I'll hit 40K by midnight, I'll drop by to tell you the minute that I do so (and if I do so...).
Well, actually, by the time I finish this post, I'll have been gone from the writing for hours (for a good cause, mind you, my kitchen is now spotlessly clean), so I better wrap it up.
There're two things I wanna say:
1. Awesome to see you on Nanowrimo, Ryan! I think we'll have a blast when we both join next year. All blood, sweat and tears, and probably a hint of laughter, too. Meanwhile, you'll do a great job supporting everyone. Thumbs up for you!
2. Saw 1408 at the cinema yesterday, and John Cusack did such a nice line that's clinging to my head. View the title of this post, and wow, there it is. Thought it'd fit beautifully with all this writing frenzy stuff that's been going to my head lately. Enjoy!
Bye for this time, folks, hopefully see you at 40K tonight!
Tuesday, November 20
another knife,
another dream
needles through my skin
drug me as I sleep,
force that poison in
make me addicted,
make me blunt and faint
I'm already bound to it,
to my anger, to my hate
make me sleep forever,
what difference does it make
the horrors are with me either way
may I be sleeping,
may I be awake.
I wrote this in my lunch hour, inspired by a dream I had last night about me being some misunderstood drug addict, being pumped full of drugs whenever I slept, and nobody would believe me when I said it wasn't me doing it. I believe this strange dream derives from the passage I wrote of my novel last night, where one of the main characters receives a shot that pierces the skin of her arm. Nevertheless, it was a really shaky and scary nightmare, where I had fights with one of my best friend over this uncontrolled addiction. Sometimes I'm glad this kinda stuff can actually result in something as creative as poetry and its like. Good to know it comes of any use, huh? However you'd like to look at it, here's another poem of mine, and I think you can see more layers of it than what I've described to you here.
another dream
needles through my skin
drug me as I sleep,
force that poison in
make me addicted,
make me blunt and faint
I'm already bound to it,
to my anger, to my hate
make me sleep forever,
what difference does it make
the horrors are with me either way
may I be sleeping,
may I be awake.
I wrote this in my lunch hour, inspired by a dream I had last night about me being some misunderstood drug addict, being pumped full of drugs whenever I slept, and nobody would believe me when I said it wasn't me doing it. I believe this strange dream derives from the passage I wrote of my novel last night, where one of the main characters receives a shot that pierces the skin of her arm. Nevertheless, it was a really shaky and scary nightmare, where I had fights with one of my best friend over this uncontrolled addiction. Sometimes I'm glad this kinda stuff can actually result in something as creative as poetry and its like. Good to know it comes of any use, huh? However you'd like to look at it, here's another poem of mine, and I think you can see more layers of it than what I've described to you here.
Monday, November 19
Exploiting The Spotlight
Hear this one out. You're at work, right, at the gas station. And this guy comes in complaining about the high prices on gas. Now, that happens at least once a day, but something about this particular bloke and this particular day and the particular mood you happen to be in, changes things a bit. This customer goes rallying on about how he's always bought the same amount of petrol, 50 litres, and how it used to cost 400 crowns, then 500, and now 600; and you stand there behind the counter, just waiting for him to cough up what it costs, I mean, if he really thinks it's that expensive, why doesn't he just buy for 400 crowns and be happy with how many litres he gets? But no, he's got to tell you this story, which he probably tells at every gas station to everyone that happens to be behind the counter. And you listen to all this, and you realize all you want to sympathetically say is: "Yeah, they should really figure out a cheaper way to exploit the developing countries of their natural resources so that you can save a few bucks on your way from checkpoint A to checkpoint B." But you don't, and why don't you?
Because you're service-mind impersonated. Which is what keeps you around in this business.
So all you do is nod and go, "Agreed, the prices will never cease to rise," while you're thinking of making this perhaps silly little anecdote the subject of your next blog post.
And all of this business make me go thinking of all the people out there working in stores and cafés and boutiques that don't have a single ounce of that service-minded thing. They just scan you from top to toe and spit out, "45,5 crowns," without greeting, without saying goodbye when you leave, and most certainly, without the small talk.
Might just be me, but I'm sick of that kind of people.
When I'm at work, no matter what, if I'm feeling like a sun ray or if all I wanna do is fall apart in some corner and cry my hearts out, I stay service-minded. I smile and I'm happy and I joke with the customers, even those who aren't even regulars, because of two things.
One, nice personnel is what people remember first when they think about a place, and my job is what keeps the family business going. Ensure the family, ensure that smile.
Two, the happier I act, the happier I actually do become. Always thought this was bullshit and didn't work, but it does. Most of the time, you know, can't feel like you're walking on pink clouds 24/7, but at least for most part. Or a small part.
Over to something else, for anyone of you who might have had the patience of reading this far.
Got 27K behind me, soon up in 30. If I reach 30 today I'll be where I should have been by yesterday, so I'm not that far behind. Gonna catch up with all that before I head downtown to pick up my library books.
See ya around.
And thanks for that spotlight.
Because you're service-mind impersonated. Which is what keeps you around in this business.
So all you do is nod and go, "Agreed, the prices will never cease to rise," while you're thinking of making this perhaps silly little anecdote the subject of your next blog post.
And all of this business make me go thinking of all the people out there working in stores and cafés and boutiques that don't have a single ounce of that service-minded thing. They just scan you from top to toe and spit out, "45,5 crowns," without greeting, without saying goodbye when you leave, and most certainly, without the small talk.
Might just be me, but I'm sick of that kind of people.
When I'm at work, no matter what, if I'm feeling like a sun ray or if all I wanna do is fall apart in some corner and cry my hearts out, I stay service-minded. I smile and I'm happy and I joke with the customers, even those who aren't even regulars, because of two things.
One, nice personnel is what people remember first when they think about a place, and my job is what keeps the family business going. Ensure the family, ensure that smile.
Two, the happier I act, the happier I actually do become. Always thought this was bullshit and didn't work, but it does. Most of the time, you know, can't feel like you're walking on pink clouds 24/7, but at least for most part. Or a small part.
Over to something else, for anyone of you who might have had the patience of reading this far.
Got 27K behind me, soon up in 30. If I reach 30 today I'll be where I should have been by yesterday, so I'm not that far behind. Gonna catch up with all that before I head downtown to pick up my library books.
See ya around.
And thanks for that spotlight.
Saturday, November 17
People, you're looking at my 25,000 word shoutout! Hit the magical number five minutes ago. Now there's only 25,000 left, meaning every word I type from now on will leave me with less words left than I have already written.
I'm not going to mention that I'm still two days behind schedule. That would take the edge of this post, ha, ha.
See you tomorrow, when I'm even further closer to my goal!
I'm not going to mention that I'm still two days behind schedule. That would take the edge of this post, ha, ha.
See you tomorrow, when I'm even further closer to my goal!
Friday, November 16
Paradise Shows
Where is my paradise
Nothing here but shadows
Where is my paradise
Nothing here of the tale you told
None of that paradise shows
Round room soaked in darkness
Your eyes not yet adjusted
Round room full of dead ends
And no doors
Round room where you lie now
Your body not adapted
Round room the cold is endless
on the floor
Where is my paradise
Nothing here but shadows
Where is my paradise
Nothing here of the tale you told
None of that paradise shows
Round room when I'm adjusted
My eyes pierce through the dark
And somewhere I can see contours
of light
Round room when I've adapted
Dead ends all leave a mark
A hint to where to look some more
for light
Where is my paradise
Nothing here but shadows
Where is my paradise
Nothing here of the tale you told
None of that paradise shows
Gone are the pages of my life
But dead ends might just help you out at times
Maybe when there is no simple way out
The way out will find you simple and right
Where is my paradise
Nothing here but shadows
Where is my paradise
Victimized, crystallized
None of that paradise shows
I'm too old for shows
Nothing here but shadows
Where is my paradise
Nothing here of the tale you told
None of that paradise shows
Round room soaked in darkness
Your eyes not yet adjusted
Round room full of dead ends
And no doors
Round room where you lie now
Your body not adapted
Round room the cold is endless
on the floor
Where is my paradise
Nothing here but shadows
Where is my paradise
Nothing here of the tale you told
None of that paradise shows
Round room when I'm adjusted
My eyes pierce through the dark
And somewhere I can see contours
of light
Round room when I've adapted
Dead ends all leave a mark
A hint to where to look some more
for light
Where is my paradise
Nothing here but shadows
Where is my paradise
Nothing here of the tale you told
None of that paradise shows
Gone are the pages of my life
But dead ends might just help you out at times
Maybe when there is no simple way out
The way out will find you simple and right
Where is my paradise
Nothing here but shadows
Where is my paradise
Victimized, crystallized
None of that paradise shows
I'm too old for shows
Wednesday, November 14
Copy Of Me
Do you know how to hate?
Or anything of the sort?
Do you know how to lie?
Did you catch what I taught?
Come back to me when you can pull a decent lie,
when you can look at me with nothing but hate in your eyes,
then I'll be satisfied with what I chose to teach,
when you're more or less just a copy of me.
Or anything of the sort?
Do you know how to lie?
Did you catch what I taught?
Come back to me when you can pull a decent lie,
when you can look at me with nothing but hate in your eyes,
then I'll be satisfied with what I chose to teach,
when you're more or less just a copy of me.
Line Up
I just want out.
I just want out.
These two lines popped up in my head, and I wanna put them down before I forget them. But I'm way too tired to make anything out of it right now. I sat up to do my word share today, and I managed, my total of words is up in 21,430 by now, but my eyes are drooping like never before, and my whole body's aching as if I'd been working out or something. Haven't had the time to go swimming for a while, sucky, I even bought me a 3 months worth of entrance card there, haha.
I just want out.
These two lines popped up in my head, and I wanna put them down before I forget them. But I'm way too tired to make anything out of it right now. I sat up to do my word share today, and I managed, my total of words is up in 21,430 by now, but my eyes are drooping like never before, and my whole body's aching as if I'd been working out or something. Haven't had the time to go swimming for a while, sucky, I even bought me a 3 months worth of entrance card there, haha.
Monday, November 12
Some Sort Of Irony
Very happy to see that the magical number of 700 unique visitors has been breached today!
Gonna take me a while to upload to the news reel, since there've been technical problems, apologize for that.
I'm trying to get my thick head through this youth book called Silverfin, for school tomorrow, and I'm stuck. I look at the page, read it once, read it twice, still think it's the dullest thing I've ever read; look up at the computer screen and head to the blog. I know. My discipline sucks. But I just can't understand why we're supposed to read this sexist bullshit about "James Bond, before he became the legend". I've read almost 200 pages, and the only important female characters are James's aunt, who does "divine cooking", and Wilder Lawless - do you believe that name? - who has the "legs of a horse". If this is some kind of irony from our teacher's end, haha, now end it. Tragically enough, I've heard this book is like the top most popular youth book in Britain, even tops Harry Potter.
Does that tell you anything?
Tells me loads.
Anyway. Better suffer myself through it. When I'm done with it, I still got five essays to read and an upcoming exam, plus the novel stuff. But I might just drop by and publish a poem later on tonight, so keep your eyes open.
Bye for now, fellas.
Gonna take me a while to upload to the news reel, since there've been technical problems, apologize for that.
I'm trying to get my thick head through this youth book called Silverfin, for school tomorrow, and I'm stuck. I look at the page, read it once, read it twice, still think it's the dullest thing I've ever read; look up at the computer screen and head to the blog. I know. My discipline sucks. But I just can't understand why we're supposed to read this sexist bullshit about "James Bond, before he became the legend". I've read almost 200 pages, and the only important female characters are James's aunt, who does "divine cooking", and Wilder Lawless - do you believe that name? - who has the "legs of a horse". If this is some kind of irony from our teacher's end, haha, now end it. Tragically enough, I've heard this book is like the top most popular youth book in Britain, even tops Harry Potter.
Does that tell you anything?
Tells me loads.
Anyway. Better suffer myself through it. When I'm done with it, I still got five essays to read and an upcoming exam, plus the novel stuff. But I might just drop by and publish a poem later on tonight, so keep your eyes open.
Bye for now, fellas.
Sunday, November 11
A Hard Day's Night?
I'm just about to start today's share, and looking at my chocolate bar, I can see that half has gone by the time it took to start up the computer alone. Guess I'll have to resign to my water glass, when I get stuck and all the chocolate's finally gone. Dammit.
Gonna be a hard night tonight anyway, though. I got 2,000 words, approximately, to finish up today if I wanna keep up, and we all know I wanna keep up, right? So I better get to the business. This week's gonna be interesting, you know. Novel writing til 3 AM in the mornings... reading for Tuesday's deadline on my way to school, most likely... studying for Friday's exam in the lunch hours. Better hope this part of the linguistics course aint as complex as the first one was, that exam I flunked out on, and although I could have done the retake this Friday, I hadn't studied at all and decided to do it after Christmas instead. Hoping it'll be held then, maybe it's halfway into the term or something, but we'll see. I got like, three years to finish my points, so there's no rush. And let's face it, anytime is better than during novel-writing month, haha.
Enough about that.
Today we went to see Dad on Father's Day and to give him the lottery ticket I'd bought for him. He didn't win anything, but seemed equally happy anyway. Both he and Mum were at work so we went there. They're like, redecorating the whole place, everything was upside down and all over the place, but I think it's gonna look smashing when it's done.
See you when I reach next writer's block, until then, I'm gonna vanish off into novel-writing land.
Don't Do It As I Do It, Do It As I Tell You To. The basic morale of any parent lecturing their children. A gift to you from Poet In The Jar. Say Thanks.
Gonna be a hard night tonight anyway, though. I got 2,000 words, approximately, to finish up today if I wanna keep up, and we all know I wanna keep up, right? So I better get to the business. This week's gonna be interesting, you know. Novel writing til 3 AM in the mornings... reading for Tuesday's deadline on my way to school, most likely... studying for Friday's exam in the lunch hours. Better hope this part of the linguistics course aint as complex as the first one was, that exam I flunked out on, and although I could have done the retake this Friday, I hadn't studied at all and decided to do it after Christmas instead. Hoping it'll be held then, maybe it's halfway into the term or something, but we'll see. I got like, three years to finish my points, so there's no rush. And let's face it, anytime is better than during novel-writing month, haha.
Enough about that.
Today we went to see Dad on Father's Day and to give him the lottery ticket I'd bought for him. He didn't win anything, but seemed equally happy anyway. Both he and Mum were at work so we went there. They're like, redecorating the whole place, everything was upside down and all over the place, but I think it's gonna look smashing when it's done.
See you when I reach next writer's block, until then, I'm gonna vanish off into novel-writing land.
Don't Do It As I Do It, Do It As I Tell You To. The basic morale of any parent lecturing their children. A gift to you from Poet In The Jar. Say Thanks.
Friday, November 9
Stay On Target
Just got up, I got like... just over two hours to finish today's share of 1,667 words. I did it yesterday in an hour and a half (!) so I think it's manageable, if I just disciplin myself. I spent some time on the nanowrimo forums the other day which earned me a couple of tips that made it twice as easy to reach the right number on time. I'm gonna write some of them down here just to make some sort of a pep talk for myself.
1. Keep a note next to the computer or wherever you sit down with your writing that says, "Stay on target!". That way, every time you feel like giving up and doing something else, you just look at the note and get a bad conscious and move on.
2. Put up deadlines for yourself! Yesterday when I was writing I looked at the time and said to myself, "I have to write 1,000 words within one hour," and when that hour was over, I had. Sure, it was a frenzy-like writing hour but hey, that's the whole point of it, anyway. Minideadlines within the deadline, so to speak. Works for me!
3. Separate writing time from break time. If you do take breaks, which I rarely do when writing cause it disturbs my flow, make sure you take them properly. If you're taking a ten minute break, DO NOT start writing again after eight minutes because you felt bored. Wait those last two minutes as well and you'll be twice as enthusiastic about it when you sit down again.
4. Think about your novel. As often as you can. Trigger your imagination when in line at the supermarket or on the bus or anywhere you might be, it'll build up your anticipations for when you get back home and you'll (hopefully) throw yourself over your novel to get writing. Also! Can't hurt thinking about the novel when not actually writing it, cause who knows? Suddenly you just might get that idea that's gonna solve all your plot problems.
5. Keep a large bottle of water next to you. When you don't know what to write next, close your eyes for a second and have a zip of water, it'll pull you back on track in no time.
6. Don't know what's gonna happen in the next chapter? Don't know what's gonna happen in the next sentence? No problem. Keep those fingers flying over they keyboard anyway. Whatever seems bizarre or out of place might turn out to be one of the best passages of the novel in the end, and besides, when you edit in December you'll be able to get rid of all the stuff about it you thought was crap when you wrote it.
(Someone had also written the tip "tie yourself to your chair", but I figured that one's not really of my taste.)
That's it! A little peptalk for herself is what the Poet has just written. It's strange, you know, there aren't many that even believe in this, they think I'm crazy. My Mum especially, who's always been the one to believe in me and my writing, thinks it's just a load of bullshit, cause it brings my focus off school and everything. I thought she'd be happy and enthusiastic about it.
But what the heck. I got you guys to back me up!
See you soon!
PS. I've heard week two is the worst. So by the end of this week everything'll go smoothly again. DS.
1. Keep a note next to the computer or wherever you sit down with your writing that says, "Stay on target!". That way, every time you feel like giving up and doing something else, you just look at the note and get a bad conscious and move on.
2. Put up deadlines for yourself! Yesterday when I was writing I looked at the time and said to myself, "I have to write 1,000 words within one hour," and when that hour was over, I had. Sure, it was a frenzy-like writing hour but hey, that's the whole point of it, anyway. Minideadlines within the deadline, so to speak. Works for me!
3. Separate writing time from break time. If you do take breaks, which I rarely do when writing cause it disturbs my flow, make sure you take them properly. If you're taking a ten minute break, DO NOT start writing again after eight minutes because you felt bored. Wait those last two minutes as well and you'll be twice as enthusiastic about it when you sit down again.
4. Think about your novel. As often as you can. Trigger your imagination when in line at the supermarket or on the bus or anywhere you might be, it'll build up your anticipations for when you get back home and you'll (hopefully) throw yourself over your novel to get writing. Also! Can't hurt thinking about the novel when not actually writing it, cause who knows? Suddenly you just might get that idea that's gonna solve all your plot problems.
5. Keep a large bottle of water next to you. When you don't know what to write next, close your eyes for a second and have a zip of water, it'll pull you back on track in no time.
6. Don't know what's gonna happen in the next chapter? Don't know what's gonna happen in the next sentence? No problem. Keep those fingers flying over they keyboard anyway. Whatever seems bizarre or out of place might turn out to be one of the best passages of the novel in the end, and besides, when you edit in December you'll be able to get rid of all the stuff about it you thought was crap when you wrote it.
(Someone had also written the tip "tie yourself to your chair", but I figured that one's not really of my taste.)
That's it! A little peptalk for herself is what the Poet has just written. It's strange, you know, there aren't many that even believe in this, they think I'm crazy. My Mum especially, who's always been the one to believe in me and my writing, thinks it's just a load of bullshit, cause it brings my focus off school and everything. I thought she'd be happy and enthusiastic about it.
But what the heck. I got you guys to back me up!
See you soon!
PS. I've heard week two is the worst. So by the end of this week everything'll go smoothly again. DS.
Thursday, November 8
I live inside a mirror,
imaging myself
Always stay within it,
my protected shell
If I keep within this fantasy,
I protect myself from hell
Cause that's all I see in reality,
where all you others dwell.
imaging myself
Always stay within it,
my protected shell
If I keep within this fantasy,
I protect myself from hell
Cause that's all I see in reality,
where all you others dwell.
Hit 10,000
Just hit 10,000 words, ladies and gentlemen!
Wednesday, November 7
Slowly, but surely. The process moves onwards. Parallelling my novel project with exam weeks at school haven't been the easiest, but it's allright, you know, I'm getting there. I'm gonna skip the exam retake on Friday and do it next spring instead. There's no way I can make both the regular studying, study for the retake, and do the novel thing, at once. I've made my priorities, and the novel comes before the retake; the novel writing month only happen once every year, the retakes are done four times a year. Yeah. You get the point.
I've just started a really exciting passage in the novel where one of my main characters... hmm, I wonder how much I should tell here? Well, at least it's fun to write. In about, let's see... 398 words, I'll be up in the magic number 10,000 words, and that's only one week into the project. A little behind, but I'll see if I can catch up with some of that tonight. Anyway, 10,000 words is truly amazing - I can't believe I've kept my interest alive for this long! - and it also means, I've done as much as one fifth of the end result of 50,000. If I can keep this going, by writing my daily 1,667 words, and gain like, 200 words extra every day, I should be able to catch up with those missing five percent before long.
It's gonna be interesting to see how the second week evolves!
A, B, C, Dreaming Of Grammar, D, E, Dreaming Of My Novel, F, G, When Will I Study? H, Close My Eyes And See My Lecturer, IJKLMNOPQRSTUV, That Was A Writing Frenzy, Yeay, W... X... Y... Z... Last Part Comes... Really... Slowly... Says The Poet.
You Know Which!
I've just started a really exciting passage in the novel where one of my main characters... hmm, I wonder how much I should tell here? Well, at least it's fun to write. In about, let's see... 398 words, I'll be up in the magic number 10,000 words, and that's only one week into the project. A little behind, but I'll see if I can catch up with some of that tonight. Anyway, 10,000 words is truly amazing - I can't believe I've kept my interest alive for this long! - and it also means, I've done as much as one fifth of the end result of 50,000. If I can keep this going, by writing my daily 1,667 words, and gain like, 200 words extra every day, I should be able to catch up with those missing five percent before long.
It's gonna be interesting to see how the second week evolves!
A, B, C, Dreaming Of Grammar, D, E, Dreaming Of My Novel, F, G, When Will I Study? H, Close My Eyes And See My Lecturer, IJKLMNOPQRSTUV, That Was A Writing Frenzy, Yeay, W... X... Y... Z... Last Part Comes... Really... Slowly... Says The Poet.
You Know Which!
I close my eyes
beneath your lies
I close my mind
to the madness
I cross the line
and press rewind
Put out your fire
Your madness
Why's it all in black and white
when contrasts come alive?
I want the colours
All revived
What you see
through the eyes
of a child
Of all the signs
I'll never find
What makes all this
Such madness
But bet a lie
And I'll bet mine
That some derives
From sadness
Why's it all in black and white
when contrasts come alive?
I want the colours
All revived
What you see
through the eyes
of a child
beneath your lies
I close my mind
to the madness
I cross the line
and press rewind
Put out your fire
Your madness
Why's it all in black and white
when contrasts come alive?
I want the colours
All revived
What you see
through the eyes
of a child
Of all the signs
I'll never find
What makes all this
Such madness
But bet a lie
And I'll bet mine
That some derives
From sadness
Why's it all in black and white
when contrasts come alive?
I want the colours
All revived
What you see
through the eyes
of a child
Tuesday, November 6
Critical Eye
I've just discovered something: that I can't read anything, nor can I write anything, without seeing it with the critical eye. I guess it stems from the literature course, but still, when I look at what I'm writing in my novel now, for instance, everything seems to mean something, whether it's the story as such that has deeper layers or simply the form I choose to write it in. It's fascinating, really, you know, I didn't know much about this stuff before we did literature class, and now I'm soaked through with it. I interpret everything from the basis that everything might mean something completely else than it does on the surface; implications and suggestions are everywhere.
It's actually so much fun I wouldn't mind taking some more literature courses, and keep working with symbolism and all that.
Gosh, my eyes feel like they're glued together... I'm so tired, it's been a long day in school and I'm completely exhausted. But before I can get to bed today I got to do my share of writing, plus homework. Hope it won't take as long as it did yesterday.
Poet In The Jar Says Something.
It's actually so much fun I wouldn't mind taking some more literature courses, and keep working with symbolism and all that.
Gosh, my eyes feel like they're glued together... I'm so tired, it's been a long day in school and I'm completely exhausted. But before I can get to bed today I got to do my share of writing, plus homework. Hope it won't take as long as it did yesterday.
Poet In The Jar Says Something.
Sunday, November 4
All Hallows' Eve
I'm so dead, got like three thousand words left to do today in order to catch up with the novel-writing... that's what you get when you don't do it everyday, I suppose. The whole thing is pretty cool though, I mean, what if I actually manage this, and actually get it all together, then in less than one month I'll be able to entitle myself novel writer... Cool, huh? Who cares if it ever gets published, haha!
Just for fun, here're the pics from yesterday's Halloween Party at our place. These are from Danny's cam, didn't put 'em all up but they oughtta give you an idea. When I get hold of the rest I'll edit the post, and you'll probably find an update in the News Reel when so happens. Anyway! After we'd been at our place we went to my favourite club in town, GG, and having worried all night if I was gonna be the spoiler of everyone not getting in (I mean, my birthday's still a month away), the guy at the door just looked at my ID and went, like, "Thank you, very welcome". So my worries were apparently a waste of time, haha.
Listen, people, I'm gonna be pretty absent this way all month because of exams and frantic novel writing and other juicy goodies, but I'll try my best to keep daily posting up. You'll know where I am if you don't find me here (in my books for school/in my book... my own book), haha.
Now cheers, fellas.
Edit: Got Siri's pics off Facebook, comments and all are up!

Watch out, Bond (Simon) and Pirate Man (Johnny)! Sniper (me) at the back!

"The Devil (Jessie) and Danny" - doesn't that sound like the title of a good book?

Me, trying to look threatening. Or whatever may have caused that facial expression.

Cheers! Says the Queen (Siri).

...and I'm praying for all my life's worth, please don't give me this priest (Nikki) for my wedding.

Nice posers there!

Ah, I love my rifle.

And Danny loves his revolver! (And Sofia!)

This one's in here mostly cause the freakish look on Nikki's face!

Dance, dance...! The 1920's gangsta (me) and Dr. Acula (Christian) shakes the floor.

The zombie priest is trying to bite me...! And look, the Devil isn't even trying to help. Bad Devil!

Hmm, here James Bond has gone Teskedsgumman. (Sorry... Swedish cultural reference that just slipped. Cut me some slack, I'm hungover as hell...)

When this deadly pirate skeleton type of man... eh... you get it... burst in through the terrace door, guess how startled I got on a scale of one to five. Five. There, I did the guessing for you!

Hands up baby, here's the second half of the Saturday Night Mafia.

In this pic, threatening his gangster babe with his silver gun, although she seems happily unaware!

Dr. Alcoholic Acula...?

Oh, sorry! Not alcoholic, just plain dead.

And here he is seen fraternizing with the zombie priest.

Two pieces of the gangster mob doing business with the Devil.

... who seems to be happy about the deal!

Oh here's James Bond in a more proper fashion, along with the Queen.

Dr. Acula was a high-lifer in front of the cam, we can see why!

Who's the boss??

And finally, me and Jessie in a happy fashion!
Want pics from the club? Some of them are pretty cool. Check them all out here.
Just for fun, here're the pics from yesterday's Halloween Party at our place. These are from Danny's cam, didn't put 'em all up but they oughtta give you an idea. When I get hold of the rest I'll edit the post, and you'll probably find an update in the News Reel when so happens. Anyway! After we'd been at our place we went to my favourite club in town, GG, and having worried all night if I was gonna be the spoiler of everyone not getting in (I mean, my birthday's still a month away), the guy at the door just looked at my ID and went, like, "Thank you, very welcome". So my worries were apparently a waste of time, haha.
Listen, people, I'm gonna be pretty absent this way all month because of exams and frantic novel writing and other juicy goodies, but I'll try my best to keep daily posting up. You'll know where I am if you don't find me here (in my books for school/in my book... my own book), haha.
Now cheers, fellas.
Edit: Got Siri's pics off Facebook, comments and all are up!

Watch out, Bond (Simon) and Pirate Man (Johnny)! Sniper (me) at the back!

"The Devil (Jessie) and Danny" - doesn't that sound like the title of a good book?

Me, trying to look threatening. Or whatever may have caused that facial expression.

Cheers! Says the Queen (Siri).

...and I'm praying for all my life's worth, please don't give me this priest (Nikki) for my wedding.

Nice posers there!

Ah, I love my rifle.

And Danny loves his revolver! (And Sofia!)

This one's in here mostly cause the freakish look on Nikki's face!
Dance, dance...! The 1920's gangsta (me) and Dr. Acula (Christian) shakes the floor.
The zombie priest is trying to bite me...! And look, the Devil isn't even trying to help. Bad Devil!
Hmm, here James Bond has gone Teskedsgumman. (Sorry... Swedish cultural reference that just slipped. Cut me some slack, I'm hungover as hell...)
When this deadly pirate skeleton type of man... eh... you get it... burst in through the terrace door, guess how startled I got on a scale of one to five. Five. There, I did the guessing for you!
Hands up baby, here's the second half of the Saturday Night Mafia.
In this pic, threatening his gangster babe with his silver gun, although she seems happily unaware!
Dr. Alcoholic Acula...?
Oh, sorry! Not alcoholic, just plain dead.
And here he is seen fraternizing with the zombie priest.
Two pieces of the gangster mob doing business with the Devil.
... who seems to be happy about the deal!
Oh here's James Bond in a more proper fashion, along with the Queen.
Dr. Acula was a high-lifer in front of the cam, we can see why!

Who's the boss??

And finally, me and Jessie in a happy fashion!
Want pics from the club? Some of them are pretty cool. Check them all out here.
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