Wednesday, September 23

Losing A Limb - Help Me Out

Were you ever curious of my writing?

Did you want to see my novel in print?
Keep reading.

It's like losing a limb. A child. Part of me, of everything that mattered. Of everything, in this dark world, that held any meaning to me.
The more I look into it, the more I find. Suddenly there's information everywhere. Everything says the same. About the agency. About the publisher. About the con man who is supposedly behind both.
I have been fooled, and I have been stupid. As the aspiring writer I am, I believed pretty words, I believed I would be brought to the market, I believed I would be sold.

Today I have found out that the agent I have been represented by for 1,5 years does not exist. The publisher they recommended to me does not exist. The financial risk I shared with said publisher is a scam. Everything I believed in, and held hopes for, the last two years, is crumbling.

I am today not a single step closer towards publication than I was in the beginning of the process. New Years 2007, when I made a query to the agency.

None of this information existed at the time I signed the contract.
I looked the company up back then and found no bad record. My friend aided me in it. It seems their various name changes is the key to keeping "clean records".

Back to square one.

And it's like losing a limb. A child. All my meaning. And, of course, all the time, money, and energy I have poured into this project since it first showed itself.

I need your help to get out of this black hole, and to prove to myself as well as to the world that my writing is good enough, and that I am good enough. I need your help to prove I am not stupid, though I may be very, very naive.

Help me find a serious agent.

Do not trust WL Writer's Literary. Researching it I have found that they have now changed their name to The Literary Agency Group, which is suspicious enough. Furthermore, they are unable to samplify their sales. In the Authors section, no writer is mentioned with full name and there are no references to any novels or retailers selling the novels. In my early days, I believed the agency was small and that it was the explanation.

As I said: very naive.

Do not trust Eloquent Books, AEG Publishing Group (who wow! Just when I looked up their adress had changed their name AGAIN! And is now called Strategic Book Group) or Strategic Book Publishing. Dear child holds many names, they say in Sweden. This child is not dear to me. I will bring this child down with me, if I can.

No serious agent or publisher will ever charge you any fee other than for print costs and connected costs.

Help me bring them down.

Help me find a new agent.
And yes. That many feelings at once IS possible.


  1. MSN me or sth. This sounds bad. :O

  2. Soon as I get the chance. Should sleep when I get off work though. Slept just an hour last night because of this.

  3. oh shit. paskat. helvetti. vittu!
    sry had to use Finnish words for this.
    this could have happened to me as well it happened to you. I´m just as naive and even more naive. this is a big warning for me. for all of us, I suppose.
    when you want something that bad, you are ready to take anything that comes along. :/
    I feel so sorry for you.
    I can´t even imagine... how horrible it is.
    I love you!
    you are strong.

  4. Yes, and being as insecure as all writers are, of course you get really happy when someone tells you your work is good, yknow.

    Thanks so much hon!

    No worries, I no longer trust this company at all. I have confronted them by email and all I get in return are irrelevant links and automated emails that I have found listed on other sites as fake announcements.

    I have decided to go on and publish myself in pocket book form via once I have finished editing. Then I will see if it's possible to get a sponsor who can back me up and buy the package that distributes the book also to and all global retailers.

    Wish me luck!
    Love you too! *blush* :)

    Ps. It's OK. I already know those Finnish words xD

  5. you are amazing :)
    I don´t have to wish you luck, you build your life with luck or without. your dreams are strong and they´ll stand on their feet no matter how hard it is.


For Dust And Memories