Thursday, September 24

Lulu, You'll Save Me

Dear friends, no setback will stop me. I'm moving ahead and on from here, and I'm going to eventually reach out to people with what I write. Even if it takes me all my effort and all my time, and all my life even; all that matters to me is to see my hard work and piece of heart in print - in an actual, physical book. And if what is in this story, that means so much to me; ever reaches out to even a single soul who embraces it, a soul that doesn't know who I am or what I do but know me only through the story... then I will have achieved the best thing there is to achieve.

I long for this to happen and you are welcome to follow my process here (for those of you who get bored easily with my rants about publishers and novels, you can always search by labels to get what you want).

I have decided to go forward and once the novel is refitted I will use Print On Demand publisher, the US correspondent to A very modern idea that hopefully will appeal to some. The first thing I did was register and read through the different terms of use (it's boring, but remember; if you don't do this you might be in trouble later). Next comes refitting the novel for pocket book size and so on. Lots to do but I don't mind, really. At least I am doing it my way and the way I have decided to go.

Most stuff you'd need is on's free membership, and then if you want you can upgrade yourself towards a given fee. Once the book is done and out I will try to get some sponsorship to do this - it means I would get on and loads of other distribution options. With the free membership you will only be able to order from Lulu's own webshop, but that will have to do, for now.

That's all about writing for now.

I decided to adopt two kittens, insanely pretty. One is striped and the other almost black. At first I was just going to adopt the striped one but then I saw its siblings and it felt heartbreaking to separate them. This way at least they have eachother to play with when I'm not around (cause unfortunately that will happen a few times during the week). And one day when I'm living someplace different than here, they can go outside for the first time (although I'm sure they wouldn't feel very comfortable there!). Can't wait to get them. A bit of the money I'll get to spare after bills being paid, I'll use to get them a climbing tower and some toys.

I also think I'll get them Zorro's old favorite toy that I found at Mum and Dad's a while back...

Enough for now,
POET in the JAR


  1. :)
    your story touched me so hard that I had to even write a poem for you. or about you. or something. dunno.

  2. you inspire me so much :) never give up, someday, you will get what you deserve. Just know that your true friends will stick with you the whole time, through the ups and downs. Don't be fooled by users.


For Dust And Memories