Tuesday, September 22

Lucky Writer

Maybe I am, after all, a lucky writer. According to Swedish media today, the publishing houses in this country are being quite difficult towards their employed professional writers. Once again I come to think that writing full-time is a shiny dream, quite far away from where I am now.
But if I didn't fight for it, where would I be now?
If I don't keep that dream in the corner of my eyes, will I ever get as much as an illusion of it?
Probably not.
Considering the poor standards for writers here, I find myself lucky to have been taken in by an American publishing house (Eloquent Books), even if it is a joint venture program (which means I shared the economical risk with the publisher, and is a more unusual type of contract, but also more profitable in the end). Also Eloquent Books have told me this is an on-demand type of contract, meaning the novel in its finished form is stored digitally, and only printed if it's ordered, and then the exact number that was. Brilliant, really. This way we avoid all expensive prints of copies that might end up not selling, and in the end, everyone makes more money, and saves more energy.
A more recent update from Kira, the Art Manager at EB, tells me that the cover art will be designed simultaneously with the text design; which means I will not receive a cover until the text edit is completed. As many of you already know I'm editing myself, and it takes me a certain amount of time; but on the other hand, I am sparked in editing by knowing that as soon as it is fully edited and approved of, the cover will be designed.
Can not wait for this to happen. First of all it will be the first physical, authentic proof of the whole getting published-business - but almost as importantly, it will tell me how someone other than myself would interpret the novel into art. I wonder if it will match up to my expectations. I hope it will, and after looking at the other art coming from EB, I feel rather reassured.
Good thing I emailed the Art Department and got the info I needed, and didn't wait with editing until the cover was assigned, as I had planned - then I would have been waiting forever.
Page 111 was my last milepost. Not too much left!
See you later alligator,
Don't Forget To Write!

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For Dust And Memories