Saturday, September 5


I pretend that everything's fine for you
I'm a worked out junkie and a drunkie too
Behind my polished surface
See how shiny it is
See that I'm a liar

And I'm transparent

How can you believe my faint smile
And my promise I'll take care of it all
Can't you see me when I stumble?
Can't you see me when I fall?

With you I want to desert this place
But I always yearn to be alone
And when I'm alone is when I doubt

When I'm alone is when I drown

POET in the JAR

Currently posting as Wolfzeus
And tired of everything


  1. At one time or another during our lives, we all will give up a piece of our own sanity to ease the pain of others. It really is a terrible thing to do though.. pretending to be different than we are. But no matter how much most of us are told that it's bad, we still do it. It seems that you have the same problem. I think maybe we do this because we just want others to be happy? In a strange way, I think it shows how strong a person can be, by taking pain by themselves to ease the minds of others. But in the process of this, it can be very hard to keep in touch with whats real. Your not a liar, Bex. Don't even think that for one second. It's just a weird part of human nature. But never forget what's real, and stay true to yourself. Don't worry about the happiness of others, it's not worth it. In the end, it's your life, and your the only one who will matter.

  2. It's more like... I can't show how I really feel because everyone is so dependent on me. And there always seems to be a reason to keep the facade up... can't take all the questions and inquires that follow if I don't. :/


For Dust And Memories