Sunday, September 20

Even Stephen King Has Typos

Maybe I'm writing so much because this is the poorest month ever. Really, ever. Worse than around Christmas. Worse than January. Worse than all months I had to buy course books that were insanely expensive.
Either way it's good. Seldom has my energy been at such a level, about any project. Basically - I just want the damn thing done already, and the more I do every day, the closer I get. Easy as cake!
Too bad though this energy isn't channeled into any creative writing, just proof-reading. But since I have grown quite brain-washed by now, I even found typos and missing characters in a novel by Stephen King, who I'm sure hires a professional editor. That strangely gives me some comfort - everyone is merely human, and if a mistake should slip me, I don't think it would matter much, on the whole. I hope that's not the thing people would remember after reading, anyway.
Can't wait to get home and add some more numbers to the page count,
Strangely Creative and with Very Suspicious Eyes


For Dust And Memories