Tuesday, August 28

Oh Look, It's My Shoulder Dementor

I'm crying, and I don't know why. I should be happy about things... but I... just... aint. It's almost as if I've been thrown right back to the times when I was on the pill and my mood like an alcoholic rollercoaster. And I dunno how to fight it.
I just really feel like you don't matter in this world. No one knows who you are, no one cares. Although I surround myself with the best of friends, I feel so lonely, like a cold hand is grabbing my heart, squeezing all ounces of hope and faith out of it to feed on. It's like having a Dementor hanging over my shoulder, sucking out my joy and happiness.
I wonder what has happened to me, and to the innocence I used to have. I used to find things thrilling and I could be happy about the smallest thing. Now everything just seems so pointless, and I doubt that the stars and the sun can help me find my way out.
yours sincerely, the clinically depressed poet in the jar.

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For Dust And Memories