Overall though, guess I gotta admit it was quite a good party, not counting the possible misdemeanours. Well, a pretty damn good party, actually. It'll make me happy for a while to know that we brought these people together and that it worked out so well. After all.
One thing is it that's making me feel a little sad right now. Pretty sad. It's that Nikki's probably leaving as soon as tomorrow, while we both thought he would stay until Monday. His school starts Tuesday, so... I would'ave thought he'd at least stay til Monday. Well, well. Maybe it's for the better. I can go home and stay with my folks for a couple of days, I would really love that. I really miss staying at home. It'd be nice to just lie on the trampoline, read some Harry Potter, get some sun... It'll be like enjoying an actual summer's holiday. I think I'll do that. I can check with Grandma if she can drop by here and feed the cat like, once a day.
I'm gonna call Mum right away and check if it's allright. Then we'll see if we'll drop by that gig tonight. Hugs and kisses folks, and thanks for a nice night out yesterday!
August 19th edit: Got some more pics from Friday, wanna see?
These three were all shot by our beloved photographer Danny.

Jessi and Myself.
Apparently something is very funny?
Ha, ha.

Me, in a very doubtful shot. Not too fond of seeing my profile like this. Anyway, I wonder more why Nisse is so curious about my cider? Could it be that he wants to steal it?

Aaawww, what a pretty trio:
Danny, Sofia and Jessi.
I wonder where I was when this was taken? Mohaha.
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For Dust And Memories