Wednesday, August 15

Transparent, Like

Wii, seems there'll be quite a few people dropping by here on Friday. It's been a while since we had a big-size party at our place, so it'll be nice to do one real properly before Nikki leaves. Nikki said he wanted to have a good-bye-party, but I said NO to that. It'll just be an ordinary party, I don't want any official goodbyes, it's tough enough as it is already. I just think we don't have to make a big fuzz of it, that's all.
Things are starting to look up by some reason. I met with an old friend from upper secondary school today, and I kinda thought it would feel weird or something. Just because of the whole thing, you know? But it was really nice, I wanna see her again soon, actually. Guess we've all changed a lot since then, you can't expect everyone to be like they were, in some cases that's good and in others it aint. Some people stay the same all a while, and you can just see straight through them, they're transparent, like. Cause you know how they were then and they act just the same now. That lot of people, I don't wanna hang with now. I gotta be with people that matter to me, that I choose. You know, when you went to school you found your pals after like two weeks, and then you spent three years hanging out with the same old people. Maybe it's because it's hard to just jump out of a group and try another one when you're established in the first, maybe it's because it feels safe to stay with them people. You don't know what would happen if you hung with someone else, or rather, you don't know how to start being with other people. You know, "change is bad", and all that stuff. But when you think about it, a lot of the changes that's been in my life have been for the better. When we left upper secondary school I thought I was doomed, I had my sister's words "It'll never be this good again! You will never have this many friends again! So don't waste your time!" still ringing in my ears, even on the happy day of graduation. And it turns out, a lot of the people I've met after that, are better friends to me than any of the old pack ever were. I don't mean to discredit all you guys. A lot of you are awesome. It aint nothing to do with you, it's just that I'm trying to say I never took the chance to get to know you lot properly, and therefore, naturally, I find it better the way it is now. Logical, innit? Well, that's what I figure.
It'll be nice to see you faces dropping by on Friday folks, so don't turn down. I'll put you on the guest list so you can pass the guards, ha, ha.
(Adds in whisper: Well, only scrubbing the bathtub left before doing the dishes...)

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For Dust And Memories