Monday, September 1

Monster's Well

I'm down.
Hit the bottom.
Deep down.
In my well.
Your faces staring down my walls,
throwing buckets,
throwing all.
I'm down.
It's your call.
Deep down.
In my well.
Your voices bouncing down my walls,
singing tunes,
singing all.
I'm down.
But I could climb.
Deep down.
From my well.
For you it's only a monster's hell,
stay away,
afraid to fall.
I'm down.
It's your call.
Who's the monster
after all?


  1. It's soo beautiful and full of meaning, I love it honey. <3

  2. Beautifully depressing indeed Bex! But dont feel bad, dont cry, please.. i dont know what to say right now other than dont cry

  3. It doesnt matter what you say, as long as you take time to read and to listen and that you already do to perfection, so goes for all you guys. I dont wanna start thinking of what this poem says because that will probably have me breaking :/ thats why i love you guys so much, you make me laugh more than I thought ever was possible, it helps me through the day! :)

    "Im a ninja!" :D


For Dust And Memories