Monday, September 15

Working Wonders

I feel so grown up. So... important. Not only is it the fact that I now have a proper, decent, full time job (which I never had before!), and my own desk with my own books, and my own classroom with my own classes. Not only is it that we have our own little teacher's room, three people sharing. Not only is it that I now have an 8-5 job, getting up in the morning, doing something useful, coming home again, make dinner, do what I want. Prepare some more for tomorrow's class.
It's that I feel I can get under the skin of these kids.
It's that I know I'll be able to work wonders for them.
Like this teacher they've been having. Totally careless what he's saying, blurting out stuff like, "well here's a student that didn't write anything all class", or to me in between classes with the classroom door wide open, "the fat girl in front row don't know anything, not a thing". It's beyond clear he has not been through even something as elementary as teacher's ethics.
NEVER talk about students so that they can hear you and NEVER patronize them.
It's as though he considers them a bunch of troublesome kids, not seeing them for the people that they actually are... as though they were invisible. Except for the good kids of course, the talented ones. Because they are naturally, gods per se.
The most classic mistake one can make as a teacher and to be frank, I'm glad that I'm aware of it enough as to not fall into that trap myself. I'm sure I'll make a hundred mistakes with them as it is, but at least I got the elementary.
At least I got the basics.
Wow, can't stop thinking about work and what I'm gonna do with these fellas, haha.
There was especially this one kid who stood out to me. Trying to appear mysterious. The teacher they've had up til now has barely ever had time for him, thinking he's "unmotivated" even if good, and so on. But by asking him stuff about his music I got him to write the most interesting little piece.
I can do wonders with these kiddos.
I don't care if my first week will be a mess!
Happy she survived, and did so with grace


  1. awwww Bex you sound like you'd make the best teacher ever :)

  2. Beccy... The fact that you will make mistakes is unavoidable BUT it is a part of learning and developing as a teacher.
    You will ROCK as a teacher, I know it!!
    Think Kernell, Do BECCY!!

  3. Awwws guys thank you <3 I'm sure I'll do it well too, just got the first week to get through, after that it will be easier ;) huggles :)

    and nisse, kernell, lol :D "I will never forgeta you!"


For Dust And Memories