Friday, January 18


Got off the phone with my sis for a couple of hours ago, with a fresh and nice idea in mind. So far, well, as far as my studies are concerned, I was planning to take this term within my programme and then do something completely else during the fall, maybe take a course in Creative Writing or something, something that was just fun, you know? Something that wasn't just for the sake of my "future" or for my "own good", just picking a course for fun and nothing else, I think I could afford doing that. So, anyway, what my sister proposed was kinda tempting. Well, she'd come up with the idea while I'd been struggling along with getting into the spring term courses. Which I now have been accepted to, by the way! As of today. They registered me despite my bad luck with retake timings and everything, and said it was perfectly allright to do the retakes during the spring. Phew! They really had me worried there for a while! I guess, even though I hardly believed so myself, that some of the staff at the school actually know me - us - by now, and that they know if we'll be able to make it out of pure instinct. I checked the spring schedules out, they're amazing! I don't think there was a single week where I studied more than two days and some weeks we don't even have lessons at all! Wohoo! Gee, with that slow pace and with so little to do in school other than just reading, I think this spring might even give me the opportunity to finish my book properly alongside with my studies. Cool, huh?
(trying not to think of the script)
Where were we? Oh well, my sis, yeah. She'd figured that if I didn't get into the spring's courses I could sign up for one of those free spots left in the courses at Stockholm University and study there for a term, or a couple of weeks. My sis just got the contract of her new place signed, so whenever I go to visit her up there, I'll be able to live with her. I think that would just be awesome. Well, since I did get in to the courses, and I really want to take them to keep my English going and everything, that's the plan for this spring. But when fall comes, I'll probably be spending a course or two at the Stockholm University.
I feel like a globetrotter already.
I mean, how good won't it look like on my resumé if it says I've spent a term studying in this country's capital? Besides, one step towards the capital (which, mind you, is like a five or six hours drive from here) is one step towards going abroad.
One step closer to heading out and away, to chase my dreams...
I think I'm gonna go really economical, you know, be cheap as hell and save in on everything, so that maybe in a year or so I'll be able to do that. Go abroad! Live abroad! Well, that last one might be a bit optimistic, but it's definitely what I'd like to do.
I haven't really discussed this idea with anyone yet, and nothing is really decided formally, but I can't help but like the idea. Sure. It's gonna be tough being away from everyone down here that I love so much... but it might just be me having the time of my life, too.
And have you thought about it this way? If I spend a few months in Stockholm I get a completely other insight into what it is like living in a big city than a few days would ever be able to give me. My sis could take me to all the best places and I could meet all her friends for once and it could all be so much fun. At least I'd be able to decide whether or not I'd like living in a place like that, haha.
I want to see the world... I want to do things for fun and for my own sake. After all, it's me that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with, that's what I always say, haha.
By the way I gotta slip this into your notion, I've managed to get my hands on a copy of POTF's The Ultimate Fling and it just totally blew my mind away. Happy happy!
PS, Number Two It feels as though things are fixing themselves up as we go along. Both for my sis and for me. I'm happy that my life's so good right now!
Have the best of evenings ever!


  1. Sounds Awesome Becca! Its awesome both that you got into the Spring courses and you'll be able to go see the capital, be able to expand your variety in life. I truly wish I could travel somewhere new, a trip like I took in thanksgiving.

    Its fun seeing new places, too bad you gotta leave the people you know the best behind.

  2. Yeah, I'm really happy about this idea too, hope it works out. It's never wrong to broaden your perspective :D

  3. I'll be so happy for you if it works out, hon! Go have fun for me too! :D

  4. I hope so too :D Although my Mom was sceptical! I think she just wishes she was me :D :P

  5. Sounds like a good idea to me. I think you need something like that, a break-up with your life here. You´re ment for bigger things. Löööv.

  6. Thank you Marie. "Meant for bigger things"... those are big words. Thank you so much. =)


For Dust And Memories