Friday, January 11

Little Reminder

Did you notice the New Year's Special?
Scroll down the page and let the Poet know which pieces were the best of 2007.
This time you're all allowed to vote for multiple alternatives.
The Poet just wants to know which ones stuck in your minds!
There are two categories, lyrics-wise and poem-wise, thought the competition might become a bit more, well, even that way.
The polls will not be closed until February, so take your time to look through all that really old stuff and see what you might have had the time to forget!
See you around!


  1. I'll look at it now! I'm still pumped from the last post you put here! I really believe you have a chance at this Becca, a really good chance. And make sure you rub that chance in your english teacher's face if it all works out!

  2. Haha :D XD I'm so glad you're thrilled about this along with me! =) thank you so much for keeping to believe in me, you have no idea how much it means! :) And yeah, definitely, he's gonna hear from me hahaha :twisted: :P :D

  3. Already voted! Haha! xD

    Again, congrats on your novel success! I'm jumping around in the room feeling awesome for you! :D :D

  4. Haha, I figured you had, in my mind you're always the first one to vote! :P

    And THANKS AGAIN honey for being there for me. =) Although "success" might be a bit on the strong side.. haha. :D


For Dust And Memories