Tuesday, January 22

Sleeping Fortress

Well. This whole thing kinda reminds me of when I got the offer to come see this apartment. It was all the same circus, with me pondering what would happen if I should get it, what would happen if I shouldn't... and just the same way as now, I had a good feeling, I let myself hope for it, because I just sensed it was gonna work out. Even though the odds were very small.
All this, it's the same old thing, you know?
I sent it in... I told myself I wouldn't be accepted... and I was.
I really still can't believe that I got an agent!
Wow, this is gonna keep me happy for like ever.
I couldn't even sleep last night, I was way too worked up, I couldn't stop imagining how things are all gonna turn out... I can't believe they took me on, I can't believe they liked my story!
I was wondering yesterday whether this would make it easier or harder to finish the story, and I'm thinking it's gonna be easier. Nanowrimo made me really work hard, because I knew there was a goal with it, there was a purpose with it, you know? And since then, I've only written a few chapters, cause it kinda felt like it was already accomplished in a way, already done. But now, I have another goal to strive for, and I think it's gonna fuel me in my writing even more.
On to something else. We took a walk yesterday, and just happened to take a stroll up a hill nearby, and guess what happened? We found this wonderful, gorgeous place, the ruins of an old fortress that used to stand on that hill that has now been turned into a park. You can still see the wall at places and where the towers used to be, even though it's pretty much overgrown. They've made such a beautiful place up there it's hard for me to even describe it... it's terrific. I had no idea there was such a place in the middle of the city! Isn't that strange? I've lived here for almost, let's see... a year and a half? And I never even knew this place existed.
It was so beautiful... there were these great climbing trees all over the place, and a pond, and benches everywhere, and wherever you stood you could look out over the city all around... and just explore the paths leading in and out of the trees, explore the remains of the walls and the bunkers. So exciting! I'm gonna ask Grandma and Grandpa if they know what that place used to be, they've lived here much longer than I have and are like experts on local history. I'm really curious... I think I'm gonna go back there today.
We've had sunlight and a blue sky now two days in a row, and it's incredible what that does to your mood. I don't think we've had that much sun all winter. Or at least that's what it's felt like. It's almost as if spring is coming already. If it is, I will surely welcome it...
Well, gotta run down to the basement and do some laundry.
I still got my feet on solid ground, ha, ha.
I might drop in again when I'm done, cause I got a song in my head that needs to be published.
BLOWKISS to you all from POET in the JAR


  1. I couldn't imagine feeling any other way than the way you described if I got such a HUGE chance in life, I just hope you can get some sleep eventually :p

    Also that fort sounds awesome! We dont have stuff like that up here, Canada is too new... I hate that fact.

    Also your grandparents sound like mine. My nan could tell me anything I needed to know that happened Newfoundland that I'd ever need to know, and a whole lot more..

  2. :D

    Haha, too new? I didn't know that you were, I thought you'd existed for quite a while. I guess I can just ask your grandparents about it :D

  3. Nah! Canada's only about... 280 years old at MOST... which is really young for anywhere... Nan and Pop lived here when Newfoundland was still a part of Britain, but that changed very soon after they were born.. There was a vote to see if Newfoundland would be American, Canadian, British or its own Country.... the best choice for capital value would've been becoming independent, but I was born canadian and wouldn't have it any other way.. I guess.

  4. I've always found Canadians cool. For one, you got the best-looking flag :D And then there was this TV series that was really cool starring a Canadian detective or something, riding around on his horse, dressed in a red uniform (the detective, I mean) :D

  5. lol, yeah he was a mountie, they're mostly around Ontario and the Prairies.... none on Newfoundland but I've seen em before


For Dust And Memories