Tuesday, July 3

Midsummer's Eve Photos

Right, cheers guys! I got these pics from Jonas, I thought it'd be easiest to erase the ones that were on here already and just redo it, in a better-looking way. As I wrote in the no longer existing entry from Midsummer's Day, the camera went from hand to hand, and yeah well, here are the results. Scroll down, folks. (Descriptions next to the pics.)

Jonas apparently cheers for Sweden!

Right, I imagine it something like this. Danny: "No seriously. If it was you who let the birds out..."

I dunno how I got that hair...?

Haha, this is one of my favourite pics! This is what happens to normal guys when they cram together with karaoke and beer.

Danny & Johnny wailing away (You can't not love this pic.)

Danny & Johan giving out free kisses! Call now!

Singstar itself!

Johnny, Nikki & The Brainless Bunny. Say no more.

The Bunny now seems to be the Friendless Bunny...

Danny & Me posing

What's going on in Pontus's head?

Johan seems to wanna go swimming...

Nikki & Viktor playing "Singstar", Jonas & me warming up in the background, haha.


...and after. Can't believe I drank those. They had coffee in them!

Jonas, Johnny & Me. Thumbs up!


Emil and Johan are doing some kind of, I dunno, Trying-to-steal your-haircut kind of pose.

Well, that's about it, those were the best and most flattering ones... not counting blurry or somehow inappropriate ones (like a set of pics of me half asleep, half dressed that I soon realised no one had erased). Now that I've done that, I'm gonna check some sites for a new flat. Cheers...
OhOoooHooOOOhooOOHoooOOO from Me - The Little Author Wannabe


  1. It looks like you guys have just as fun as we had!

  2. Haha, seems like Midsummer's Eve was a blast for lots of folks =p so what did you guys do??


For Dust And Memories