Monday, July 2


YEAY! Yesterday PIER PRESSURE finally struck us with awe, and it blew the roof off! Well, not literally, there wasn't really that much of a roof to talk about, but if there had been, it most certainly would have blown the roof off. I thought it was great, I mean, I'd pay 500SEK just to see My Chemical Romance, but now I got to see loads of bands, some of which I never woulda discovered otherwise. Check out the Glass Links to your right, I've updated it by now. Well, sure there were things you might wanna comment on - should the guy in the wardrobe really be smoking while he hands out your jackets? Yuck - but the gig schedule - come on! You gotta admit it aint no pile of shit, right?
I'm pretty messed up today, we've barely slept four hours, my feet are still sore from all the mad jumping up and down and walking the streets, and I've done my last day at summer school. So you aint gonna find any clever thoughts in here tonight, sorry, guys. I just thought I'd post some of the pics I took yesterday. Enjoy, fellas!
JULY 3RD EDIT: The title belonging to the pic is the one directly above the picture. Also, Jessi noted that I'd written Sunrise Avenue on four pictures but two of them were actually Sounds of Violence. My mistake, but I've taken care of that. After all, we're all just human, aren't we?
Less Than Jake

Sunrise Avenue

Sounds Like Violence

Me & Jessi

Nikki, Terese & Johanna

Sofia & Linda

Jessi & Me



Thx for droppin' by!


  1. I wanted to go there to, but it was my first day at work monday morning, and i didn´t want to look like a zombie.. Fuck it! I really wanted to go there!

  2. Hehe, I know exactly what you're saying! I did my last day at summer school that Monday and after that I felt like I could sleep for years and years... but it was SO worth it! I'd do it all over if I got the chance =)


For Dust And Memories