Friday, September 21


I lifted the contract of this flat today, it's gonna expire December 31st, and by January 1st, I'll be in my new apartment. Geez, I can't wait, really can't! Already decided what furniture I'm gonna have, like. Haha!
Gotta go study for the linguistics exam now... but I'll be checking in tomorrow, I got a poem in my head that's just begging to come out. See ya!
PS: Guess when I got up today... a quarter to three PM. It's embarrassing. I think I'm starting to get sick or something. DS.


  1. Wow, that's awesome! :) Good luck on your test btw ;)
    And about the a quarter to 3 pm thing, it happened to me too, lots of times in fact! :> Haha! :D

  2. Thx, it's freaking me out, I've got tons left to study and I don't understand any of it. Tomorrow I'm gonna be at work all day... that leaves just Sunday to study like hell, hope I'll manage to pull this off, it'd be nice not having to do the retake of the exam.
    Haha! Good to know I'm not the only one that aint "grown up" yet and like, wake up at seven PM cause I'm "done sleeping"... xD :D

  3. Don't get freaked out, it feels like tons of things to study, but when you get to it, you'll see that actually it's not. And even so, you'll manage... :)
    Once again, good luck! :)

  4. Good luck! hugs and kisses

  5. Thx for your encouraging comments folks! They keep me going. The exam was quite a waste of time, but still. Now I'm better prepared for the retake, mohaha. =D


For Dust And Memories