Tuesday, September 25

Go Mental

Damn me, this is just so typical me. Guess who's managed to catch the flu, or whatever sort of infection this is, with just half a week left to VFU? Great, just ... great. My whole body's aching and my head feels as if it weighed a hundred pounds. Throbbed so heavily during the night I was sure I was gonna throw up, but I made a narrow escape outta that one, staggered out to the medicine locker and went scavenging for the last one of my aspirin so I could go back to sleep. I think I got fever, not easy to be sure, but I'm just so warm, feels like I'm boiling. Didn't 'ave the energy to stand up in the shower so I had to take a bath instead. Just moving meself from the couch to the bathroom makes my heart go all wild and crazy, and all of a sudden I'm exhausted, having done absolutely nothing. Gotta get meself to school in the morning, we've got this group assignment to do, if I don't show up they're gonna go mental on me, and I've already missed out on so much, can't afford to be at home. Damnit, why does this always seem to happen to me?
I'm gonna zip this hot chocolate right up from the bottom of the cup, and then see if I can deal with the rest of Hedge. Long as it's on the level of simply reading, I'll manage me studies. But then there's this essay type thingy I gotta hand in by Thursday... I'll just have to deal with that tomorrow... or something... I dunno, I'm just confused, confused about, well most things right now, can hardly think. Gonna go down do me laundry at seven PM. That's me main goal for the day. Cheers... Happy Hot Chocolate.


  1. Aww, I didn't know your flu was that bad! :( Get better real soon :)
    Can I help with that essay btw? :D

  2. Yeah, I better get better... haha :D yeay, let's discuss the essay.. topic is, cultural studies and why we teach it.. gash! so boring :p

  3. Wow, I know nothing about that! Haha! :D I'll give it a shot though, just for you ;)

  4. You're spoiling me xD Don't do this with your spare time, for Christ's sake! :D


For Dust And Memories