Tuesday, September 18

Put The Shift In Overdrive

...step on the gas and zoom! Fly away. Well, not literally, but close enough. I managed my driver's license today! Awesome, huh? It only took me, let's see, about two years to get it. Haha! My family's gonna remember me for this. No seriously, it's like a stone just fell off my shoulders, now I don't have to worry about it any more, not ever. And on Saturday, I can just drive off to work. And then drive back home. And then drive downtown, and then drive uptown. Take the car to go swimming, take the car back from swimming. You get my point. Halleluja, praise the city of BorĂ¥s, where I'll always remember by the day that I got my license! And freedom and loads of opportunities to further pollute the atmosphere and poison the world's inhabitants with dangerous halts of carbon dioxide. But let's not talk about that.
I'm dead tired and I gotta go to school dead early in the morning, I'm gonna call this a night. I'll drop by tomorrow when I'm stuck in that damn argumentative essay and wanna do something more interesting, like developing this idea for a poem that's singing on the inside of my head. Wii, see ya then.
From The Poet Or Whoever's Stuck In That Damn Jar That Keeps Being Mentioned.


For Dust And Memories