Sunday, September 16

Question & Criticize

Every text they shove under our noses in school is all the same; subjective, assumptive, stating 'truths' we're supposed to happily accept. Exam question one, describe this issue... according to the authors. Exam question two, what is the author's view of this and that. Exam question three, how does the author feel about, yeah, well you get the picture. I thought school was all here to teach us something, that we'd be taught the freedom of thought, that we'd get to explore, use our curiosity, question; criticize; and make our own conclusions about stuff. What is this that we get? Why do we spend hours and hours cramming into our heads what other people think about everything?
What does it give us, as future teachers, to keep quoting and assembling other people's thoughts? I hate it that school seems to wanna rid our minds of independence, of our own thinking.
So much for the higher education.
I could learn all this better if I did it myself, and then at least I'd be allowed to think whatever I want about it. Darn.
From the Teaching Poet In The Independent Jar.


  1. I couldn't agree more... I don't get that system either, as if they want us to keep dealing with other people's lifes and pass them on to the next generation without us learning anything along witn not allowing the next generation to learn anything either. This could go on forever in a world full of people that can't speak for themselves and live under others' command. You know all those fictional movies that take place in a far future, everywhere is surrounded with robots and machines. Guess that's their goal, but the humans will be the robots. Just so meaningless...

  2. Exactly, that's where all this'll lead if we don't do anything about it. You know, our generation are the ones that are gonna form the future and all, and I dunno if I could live with knowing that all we did was to embrace everything we were told, accepting and obeying, like. And if people ever complain about this stuff, that's all they do. Everything's just words... guess it'd hurt to do something about it.
    This is the time when we're supposed to shine, when we're supposed to be glorious, and when we're looking back at all this we're supposed to be proud of our lives. I hope we will be, eventually...


For Dust And Memories